The above photo is our famous "Fu kwai fa".The real name of this flower is "Adenium obesum" or commonly called "desert rose".I love this flower very much but it is hard to find it in japan.
So ,today..I will show you a type of flower which is very similar with our famous "fu kwai fa"(adenium obesum)or "desert rose".
Notice the shape and struture of the flowers...from the photo above..
The name of this flower is called "Dipladenia Boliviensis"...
I like to call this flower "japanese fu kwai fa" as it is hard to call it by its real name..hahahaha..
The leaves are a bit round shape compare wit our "fu kwai fa" and it does not have that thick plant stem or obesum as "fu kwai fa" have..
If grown on the ground,it can grows quite tall and tends to climbs as cucumbers plants..They also have many colours,such as yellow,white ,dark red and pink...
At present ,I have 2 dark red flowers and another is pink flowers.
I was thinking of buy a few more having yellow flowers or pinkish white flowers is also not bad,right???


amycheah said...

the both flowers are so similiar.

jepunlauee said...

yes..hehe..tat is why I fall in love wit them...hahahaha