I would like to inform all my dear friends who visit my blog here ,that I will be missing in action for a while.
The reason is my mum is critically ill and Kacang and me ,have to make an emergency balik kampong on Tueday 28.
I will be away for a while..please..let pray for my mum...Sorry,I can't write much now,heart is too pain...


Kok said...

I hope everything will be ok for you... Take care there.

TINTIN said...

JLE, I'm sorry to get to know that your mom is critically ill and i'll pray for her. May god bless her always!

Tau Sar Phneah said...

lau ee, so sorry to hear tht...hope she get well soon..

Constance Chan said...

i'm sorry to hear about it. guess you finally making this trip after so many considerations. i'll be praying for your mom too jle. understand how you feel.

remember life is a journey. will catch up with you on msn when i see you.

take good care of yourself ok

Kikey Loo said...

i am so sorry to heard that.
i wish she will be better soon.
you have to take good care too..

Vivienne "Yuki" Choe said...

Be strong, safe journey and take care of yourself. My prayers are with your mother and you. Peace.

Sue said...

Hope that she will recover...will pray for her...keep us up to date..

Jesse Tan said...

be strong, your mom will be happy to see you and kacang...i will pray for your mom...god bless...

sting said...

I do hope she's gonna be well again soon.. be strong.. and remember to take care of yourself :-)

Anonymous said...

hope everything will go ok.