After staying in japan for so many years,I found that there are several amusing things about japanese people.
One of them is they are crazy about slippers.Now ,why do I say this???
The reason is there are so many kind of slippers for every reason.
For instant,when you want to enter a japanese household,the host will put a pair of slippers for you to wear.
Then if you want to enter the toilet,there is another set of slippers,specially for toilet use!!!
Then the school children too have to take out their outdoor shoes when they enter school and change into their indoor slippers before entering their classroom,and offcourse in the school toilets too have several sets of toilet slippers..

Another amusing thing about japanese ,is when you are in a japanese home,do not enter the kitchen.
The japanese woman does not like anyone to invade her kitchen,so unless she invite you to help her out,it is a taboo to enter her kitchen ,even it it means to help her wash up the cups or what...

Another amusing thing is I noticed is the ladies will use their hand to cover their mouth when they laugh..I mean not those short laugh..

I best is I like about their culture is when you want to cross the road and when there is no zebra crossing.You just have to put up one hand and the cars which are coming your direction will slow down and stop for you to pass.I wonder if this practice can be done in our own country??

Another amusing thing is that when in a clinic..there are usually children books on the rack beside other magazines.
Those japanese mothers will read those children books for their kids to you can just imagine..on one bench ,there are at least three mothers reading different books at the same time..amusing,right???


Vivienne "Yuki" Choe said...

Japanese people may have incredibly clean and beautiful feet... while most Malaysians I know have cracked heels... perhaps it is time for us to learn to make sure out feet are "clothed" everywhere we go.... O_o

Jesse Tan said...

Oh I didn't know that kitchen is so important to japanese woman, then are you like this also? hehehe...don't angry ok? jz joking. However Japanese people have a very good manners. Not like here in Malaysia.

Kikey Loo said...

wow.. learn a lot abt Japanese.. lol.. :D

jepunlauee said...

reply to you can imagine,how many pairs of slippers japanese people have in their house..
reply to jesse tan:I no need to behave like that too in japan as they(japanese)will not enter my kitchen without my permission..kekeke..
reply to will be able to hear more in future..hahaha..

Amy Cheah said...

hey JLE, are u teaching this kitchen manners to ur kids too?

jepunlauee said...

reply to amy: no need to teach also they will know..all tis is automatic manner...hahaha...

Anonymous said...

hehehe amusing amusing.... the slipper issue was a culture shock for me, but now i m kind of used to it liao loh :)


Anonymous said...

hahaha JLE it is interesting to hear that ... eh btw i think Malaysians also have different slippers for kitchen..hehe our wet kitchen... my mom always have these slippers for kitchen area at the back of the house..but go barefoot once we enter the house. but if you go to the kitchen area, sure wear those slippers one..hehehe

the hands up crossing the road is so funny. i only encountered those from indian at Sg's Little India doing that cos they cannot handle traffic.. so they put up their hands...for us to slow down...

Unknown said...

So jle can we enter ur kitchen???? I heard that the slippers for the toilet may contain lots of bacteria. You know that we do not know if the person wearing it before us has got foot problem. Yucks!!!!

sting said...

I found out about the kitchen no entry a bit too late. I was at my homestay family and I requested for the wife to teach me how to make japanese food and I think I kinda made her felt uncomfortable by "invading" her territory! hahaha