They called this day "nana kusa no hi"(七草の日),meaning the day of the seven grass.
The way to cook this porridge is simple...just add in the chopped seven vegetables in after the porridge is done,and while adding in the vegetables and slowly stirring the porridge,I would have to say "pray for my whole family to be healthy the whole year long"...
The japanese believed that on this special day,if the whole family eat this special porridge,they will bless with good health for the whole year..
I can't really tell out the seven types of vegetables use,as some are herbs..but the vegetables which I know are the baby white radish,beets and celery..sorry about the remaining four herbs , I don't know how to call them in english..
Nowadays it is very easy to buy them in a pack form ,which are sorted out(all the 7 varieties).
They are sold in supermarket two days before the actual day.The taste of the porridge is a bit bitter but the japanese doesn't mind it,as for them it a sort of medical porridge or should I say a magical porridge..hahahaha..
My kids don't like them,but I force them to eat,as I hope the whole family will be healthy this year..Well ,you can consider it a japanese supersition..but for me it is both..supersition and also I am very bankrupt now...hahahahha..
JLE, I want to tumpang get the healthy blessing jugak, pls remember to ready one bowl for me ya. May all of us healthy throughout the year.
hey your CNY song makes me feel the mood of CNY leh.
aiyoyo.. Than I ask Amy this saturday cook 7 vege also and pray for kaya.... lol.. wish your whole family healthy ya..
hahaha..kam sia..kam sia..lets all enjoy the healthy porridge...
glad you all enjoy this CNY song..so let get into the CNY mood now...(^-^)
wish I could join in to eat some of yr porridge too. I do need some magical potion to get me well again. Hee! Hee!
Me too!I oso wan to get in good health and KAYA!Hahaa...So you need to tar pow for melah...hehehe..
hahaha! your tong tong chang song really in CNY mood leh! Didn't know about this day of 7 grass... looks really healthy! :-)
hahaha..ask any japanese,they will tell you about them..looks healthy but not nice tatse..kekeke..
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